27/08/17 - Day 21 / Week 3: A day in the life of...

Reflecting on our Moving In residency so far I have become aware of how quickly the time is disappearing. It is hard to comprehend that we are now at the end of week 3 - where has it gone?

I wanted to document one of our days to show how our time is spent. We have been planning, making work and reflecting upon it in response to the time we spend with residents, trying as much as possible to be led by their interests. We did initially try to plan every inch of our day, but you can never guess what will occur in real life; whether that is help to find a handbag, assistance to get back to a room or just someone to talk to for an hour. This is something that we wouldn't normally get chance to do when working within a 2 hour time-frame. The regular workshop model would consist of arriving, delivering a session and then packing away. The immersive approach of living at Northbourne can be challenging and tiring but it has made me realise how being constantly present and aware is part of the job for care staff in general and is never praised or spoken about outside of this environment.

24th of August 2017 - A day in the life of....

8am to 8:30 – Woke up and got dressed for the day
8:30 to 9 – Wrote some emails whilst eating breakfast
9 to 9:30 – Rang companies regarding fixing an old knitting machine I found in the annexe of Northbourne 
9:30 to 11 – Planning and thinking about the timetable for the next few days. Kate and I discussed ideas for the drawing with the group we were going to try out later that day
11 to 12:30 – Showed Amy how to use the sewing machine to make an envelope cushion to re-decorate the bathroom at Northbourne Care Home
- Barbara (Flo’s daughter) came to show Amy and I some of Flo’s stitching work and certificates she had earned as prizes for the sewing she used to do - it was exquisitely hand-stitched.
12:30 to 1 – Went into Flo’s bedroom with Barbara to look at all of Flo’s textile equipment which Barbabra has brought over from her old flat to her new home at Northbourne
1 to 1:15 – Ate a sandwich for lunch
1:15 to 1:30 – Got all materials and resources ready and transported it to the 2nd floor of the care home for the 'Active Minds' activity box training and sharing event with activity coordinators from various care homes in the area
1:30 to 3:30 – Did the Active Minds' activity box training and sharing event
3:30 to 4 – Helped Flo find her handbag for half an hour
4 to 4:15 – Looked at the newly re-decorated bathroom Amy has been working on to make the bathrooms less institutional and more friendly. Various staff members were lending a hand.  
4:15 to 5 – Wrote up notes from the afternoon session to send to Equal Arts and activity coordinators
5 to 6 – Took a shower
6 to 7:30 – Sat knitting for the Yarn Bombing action we are planning for September...
7:30 to 9 – Had a few (alcoholic) drinks whilst looking at and discussing a print of a Lowry painting, chosen as the mills in the image are similar to the ones Flo would have worked in. Turns out Gwen worked in a 'pop' (fizzy drinks)  factory too. We then all did a large-scale painting on the floor using projection of the exact cotton mill that Flo worked in, onto paper with brushes tied on sticks, inspired by the Lowry image.
9 to 9:30 – Walked into Low Fell for some fresh air and to pick up some food
9:30 to 10:30 – Sat and wrote my reflections on the day
10:30 – Relaxed and had a bit of my own time before going to sleep; this is when we skype partners, watch telly or read!!